Access Consultancy

Our consultancy services involve a number of reviews and audits that contribute to the guarantee that your property will provide inclusive, seamless and modern accessibility solutions to access facilities and amenities in compliance with the BCA and DDA.

With our seamless and integrated approach, we ensure that every aspect of our clients’ projects are carefully planned, developed, and executed to the highest standards. From the initial concept design to final construction documentation, during construction to the final occupation, our team brings extensive knowledge and meticulous attention to detail to ensure the success of the project at hand.

We offer comprehensive services covering all stages of the project lifecycle. Our expertise extends across various phases, including:

  • Concept Design Documentation
  • Schematic Design Documentation
  • Design Development Documentation
  • Construction Documentation
  • Complying Development
  • Construction Phase

Our expertise spans various industries, including:

  • Residential developments
  • Adaptable Housing
  • SEPP senior living
  • Mixed-use developments
  • Commercial developments
  • Retail developments
  • Industrial developments
  • Educational facilities
  • External built environments
  • Healthcare & Aged care
  • Private and Public developments
  • Public Transport
  • Public work projects/public domain
  • Communal open spaces
  • Civic Business Centres
  • Open Space and Recreation facilities
  • Parking Infrastructure
  • Accessibility Traffic Management
  • Land and Environmental court expert witness
Masterplan Reviews

With proposed developments, we can design accessible solutions that are modern, technologically compatible and that can be executed according to your timeline. Early reviews also benefit a cost-effective strategy as they prevent late modifications and non-compliance of the BCA.
Design Reviews

Though we provide consulting services, we believe in a collaborative approach to achieve optimal results. We will work with your construction, design and project management team throughout the entire project to provide detailed, proactive and consistent guidance in compliance with the DDA and BCA. Through this you are guaranteed a project with inclusive facilities for the entire community.
Sign-off / Certification

We work with all parties through every development stage to ensure that the project’s accessibility and safety are reviewed, signed-off and certified. This avoids legal and functional complications in the future and boosts the confidence of the property developer or business owner.
Expert Judgement & Peer Review

Our team is able give an expert opinion on your project’s accessibility compliance through a review and assessment of your area. These reviews ensure that safe, dignified and inclusive accessibility is delivered.
Planning Reviews

We can provide a complete and thorough assessment and report of your development application to ensure that it complies with the DDA and is reflective of Council requirements, minimising post-planning approval changes and additional costs.
Performance Solutions

For properties that present practical, technical and financial complications, we can work with the building surveyor, project manager, architect and developer to devise ways of incorporating accessible solutions per AS 1428.1 of the Access to Premises Standard in the BCA. Our advisers will ensure that your property is enhanced with functional and seamless modifications.
Access Audits

Our team can conduct a site analysis to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the project’s accessibility features and its compliance with the BCA and DDA. Once these issues are identified, we will liaise with the projects team to determine the appropriate cost-effective modifications that can be done to improve compliance.
Mobility Maps
Public Transport