A leading
consultancy firm

Access Link Consulting is a leading consultancy firm for companies across several industries and at different stages of construction.
Through professional advice derived from the expertise of our team and practical recommendations rooted in modern technology, we will provide accessibility recommendations compliant with industry standards including Building Code of Australia (BCA) and the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).
The DDA 1992 is a part of Commonwealth legislation which requires that people with disabilities be given equal opportunity to participate in and contribute to the full range of social, political and cultural activities. Access for people with disabilities, including access to the goods, services and facilities is required to be provided by businesses. In a nutshell, the DDA provides and promotes the equality of physical, informational and attitudinal access.
Access Link Consulting believes that good public spaces become Great Community Places when you apply a place-based approach to the inclusion of everyone’s access and movement “user needs”.
Our consultancy services involve a number of reviews and audits that contribute to the guarantee that your property will provide inclusive, seamless and modern accessibility solutions to access facilities and amenities in compliance with the BCA and DDA.
We provide consulting services for properties that require the following Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) categorisation for designs in both the provisional and as-built stages.
Projects can be certified as either having Silver, Gold or Platinum Status, with assessments done at either the design or as-built stages of development and we’re here to help.
Access Link Consultancy specialises in offering comprehensive assessment services for LHA NCC (Livable Housing Australia National Construction Code).
Our team provides meticulous evaluations to ensure that every facility is designed and constructed with utmost precision in strict alignment with the Changing Places Design Specifications.